colloid suspension


 [sus-pen´shun] 1. temporary cessation, as of pain or a vital process.2. a supporting from above, as in treatment where extremities are elevated with a traction device.3. a preparation of a finely divided, undissolved substance dispersed in a liquid vehicle.bladder neck suspension any of various methods of surgical fixation of the urethrovesical junction area and the neck" >bladder neck to restore the neck to a high retropubic position for relief of incontinence" >stress incontinence. Among numerous types of procedures are the Burch procedure and the Pereyra procedure. Called also colposuspension.colloid suspension a colloid system; see colloid (def. 2). Sometimes used specifically for a sol in which the dispersed phase is solid and the particles are large enough to settle out of solution.

colloid suspension

A colloidal solution in which particles of the dispersed phase are relatively large. Synonym: suspensoid