释义 |
ethopharmacology eth·o·phar·ma·col·o·gy (eth'ō-far'mă-kol'ŏ-jē), The study of drug effects on behavior, relying on observation and description of species-specific elements (acts and postures during social encounters). See also: pharmacogenetics. [G. ethos, character, habit, + pharmacology] eth·o·phar·ma·col·o·gy (eth'ō-fahr-mă-kol'ŏ-jē) The study of drug effects on behavior, relying on observation and description of species-specific elements (acts and postures during social encounters). [G. ethos, character, habit, + pharmacology]eth·o·phar·ma·col·o·gy (eth'ō-fahr-mă-kol'ŏ-jē) Study of drug effects on behavior, relying on observation and description of species-specific elements (e.g., acts and postures during social encounters). [G. ethos, character, habit, + pharmacology] |