释义 |
calc-(word root) lime or calciumExamples of words with the root calc-: calcifycalc C0043200 (kălk)n. Informal Calculus, especially as an academic subject.Calc
Calc (tool, mathematics)An extensible, advanced desk calculatorand mathematical tool written in Emacs Lisp by DaveGillespie . Calc runs as part of GNU Emacs. You can use Calc as only a simple four-functioncalculator, but it also provides additional features includingchoice of algebraic or RPN (stack-based) entry,logarithms, trigonometric and financial functions, arbitrary precision, complex numbers, vectors, matrices, dates, times,infinities, sets, algebraic simplification, differentiation,and integration.
Latest version: 2.02, as of 1994-11-08.
FTP calc-2.02.tar.z from your nearest GNU archive site.CalcThe spreadsheet program in an office suite. See OpenOffice and LibreOffice.MedicalSeeMICU1CALC
Acronym | Definition |
CALC➣Calculator | CALC➣Calculation | CALC➣Calculus | CALC➣Calculate | CALC➣Calculated | CALC➣Citrix Authorized Learning Center | CALC➣Cumbre de América Latina y el Caribe Sobre Integración y Desarrollo (Spanish: Summit of Latin America and the Caribbean on Integration and Development) | CALC➣Clergy And Laity Concerned | CALC➣Community Alliance of Lane County (Eugene, OR) | CALC➣Customer Access Line Charge | CALC➣Cambridgeshire Association of Local Councils | CALC➣Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity (Workshop) | CALC➣Cryptography and Lattices Conference | CALC➣Carrier Access Line Charge | CALC➣Cargo Acceptance & Load Control |