

单词 cor



(kɔː) interjslang Brit an exclamation of surprise, amazement, or admiration[C20: corruption of God]


var. of com- before r : correlate.


1. Corinthians. 2. Coroner.


1. corner. 2. coroner. 3. corpus. 4. correct. 5. correction.



 [kor] (L.) heart.cor adipo´sum a heart that has undergone fatty degeneration or that has an accumulation of fat around it.cor bovi´num a greatly enlarged heart resulting from a hypertrophied left ventricle.cor pulmona´le a serious cardiac condition in which there is heart failure" >right ventricular heart failure due to pulmonary hypertension secondary to disease of the blood vessels of the lungs. Acute cor pulmonale is an emergency situation arising from a sudden dilatation of the right ventricle as a result of embolism" >pulmonary embolism. Chronic cor pulmonale develops gradually and is associated with such chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases as emphysema, silicosis, and fibrosis" >pulmonary fibrosis following an infection. These conditions impair pulmonary circulation and thus create a “damming” effect on the blood flowing through the pulmonary artery. This in turn slows down the flow of blood from the right ventricle, and the ventricle becomes hypertrophied and dilated.
Signs and symptoms are similar to those of heart failure" >congestive heart failure from other causes: dyspnea, edema of the lower extremities, enlargement of the liver, and distention of neck veins. The hematocrit is increased as the body attempts to compensate for impaired circulation by producing more erythrocytes.Treatment. Treatment may involve use of drugs to decrease pulmonary vascular resistance, pulmonary embolectomy, or even lung transplantation. More traditional treatments have included administration of bronchodilators and use of a mechanical ventilator to reduce hypoxia and dyspnea. For treatment of the heart failure, see heart failure.


(hart), [TA] A hollow muscular organ that receives the blood from the veins and propels it into the arteries. In mammals it is divided by a musculomembranous septum into two halves-right or venous and left or arterial-each of which consists of a receiving chamber (atrium) and an ejecting chamber (ventricle). Synonym(s): cor [TA], coeur [A.S. heorte]


Abbreviation for:
Capital Out-turn & Receipts return (Medspeak-UK)
centre of rotation
cervico-ocular reflex
conditioned orientation reflex
custodian of records


(hahrt) [TA] A hollow muscular organ that receives the blood from the veins and propels it into the arteries. It is divided by a musculomembranous septum into two halves (right or venous and left or arterial) each of which consists of a receiving chamber (atrium) and an ejecting chamber (ventricle).
Synonym(s): cor [TA] , coeur.
[A.S. heorte]


The heart.


CORChange of Responsibility
CORContracting Officer's Representative
CORChurch of the Resurrection
CORConference of Religious (UK)
CORCity of Refuge (Christian gaming community)
CORCommunity of Reason
CORConditions of Release (law)
CORClinical Outcomes Research (various organizations)
CORCortisol (hormone)
CORChain of Responsiblity
CORCertificate of Recognition
CORConseil d'Orientation des Retraites (French: Pensions Advisory Council)
CORCorrosive (fire diamond warning code)
CORCircle of Rage (band)
CORCertificate of Rehabilitation (various locations)
CORCity of Roseville (various locations)
CORCenter for Organizational Research (various schools)
CORCoefficient of Restitution
CORCourse Outline of Record (various universities)
CORCountry of Residency (legal classification)
CORCommercial Office Residential (zoning)
CORCertificate of Registration
CORCommon Object Runtime
CORClass of Restrictions
CORControl Resources
CORConfirmation of Receipt
CORChurch of the Redeemer
CORCommanding Officer Representative
CORCouncil of Representatives
CORCervico-Ocular Reflex
CORClient-Oriented Research (agriculture)
CORCanadian Organic Regime (Canadian Organic Products Regulation Standards)
CORClass Of Restriction (insurance)
CORCommittee on Research (AISC)
CORCenter of Rotation (medical scanning equipment)
CORCoalition on Revival
CORCorporate Staff
CORCommittee of Regions (EU)
CORChartered Organization Representative (Boy Scouts of America)
CORChange Order Request
CORComputers and Operations Research
CORCondition of Readiness (tropical storms)
CORCity of Reno (Nevada)
CORCarrier Operated Relay (two-way radio)
CORCollege Of Radiographers
CORCareer Opportunities in Research Education and Training
CORCall out Request
CORConfederation of Regions Party (Canadian Political Party)
CORCenter for Orthopaedic Research
CORCatholic Organizations for Renewal
CORCost of Revenue
CORCentral Office of Record (NSA)
CORCazaux Olympique Rugby (French rugby club)
CORCompany Operations Room
CORCity of Oak Ridge (Tennessee)
CORCouncil of Orthodox Rabbis
CORCordoba, Cordoba, Argentina - Pajas Blancas (Airport Code)
CORCourse Of Reaction
CORCircular Of Requirements
CORCoefficient of Reliability
CORCorrected Observation (METAR code)
CORCommunications Outage Recorder
CORCenter for Ophthalmic Research
CORChampions of Ruin (Dungeons & Dragons roleplay book)
CORChange of Rater
CORCargo Outturn Report
CORContinental Operations Range
CORCommander of the Relief (military)
CORCoordinate Report
CORCombined Operation Ratio
CORCore Operations Report
CORCommand Operationally Ready
CORContinental Operating Range
CORContinuity of Operations Redesign
CORCommon Order Repository
CORCost of Rework (financial management)
CORChief of Office of Record
CORCentral Office Repairperson
CORCouncil of Record (United States District Court code)
CORComplete Oral Rehabilitation




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