a principality on the territory of Caucasian Albania between the Araks and Kura rivers. Known since the fourth century A.D.
Its favorable location at the intersection of trade routes aided in the development of Girdyman. In the fifth and sixth centuries, the principality was dependent on the Sassanids. Its people suffered from nomadic raids. Girdyman flowered in the late sixth and early seventh centuries under rulers of the Mekhranid dynasty, who built the Girdyman fortress. When they had annexed the city of Barda, they moved their capital there from the fortress. The most outstanding ruler of Girdyman was Prince Dzhvanshir (638-670). His descendants inherited the title aranshakh. Girdyman was conquered by the Arabian Caliphate in the beginning of the eighth century. In 705 the authority of the Mekhranids was abolished.