Girgas, Vladimir Fedorovich

Girgas, Vladimir Fedorovich


Born 1835 in Grodno; died 1887 in Kiev. Russian linguist and Arabist.

Girgas lived in Syria and Egypt from 1861 to 1864 and studied the Arabic language and Arab literature and culture. A work about his travels, “An Account” (1864, in manuscript), was one of the first works on Arabic dialectology. His main books include Outline of the Grammatical System of the Arabs (1873), Outline of Arab Literature (1875), An Arabic Chrestomathy (Issues 1-2, 1875-76; with V. R. Rozen), and A Dictionary for An Arabic Chrestomathy and the Koran (1881). He was preparing the historical works of Abu Hanif al-Dinawar for publication in 1888.


Krachkovskii, I. Iu. “V. F. Girgas. (K 40-letiu so dnia ego smerti.)” Zapiski Kollegii vostokovedov, 1928, vol. 3, issue 1.