

(tool)A command-driven interactive graphing program. Gnuplotcan plot two-dimensional functions and data points in manydifferent styles (points, lines, error bars); andthree-dimensional data points and surfaces in many differentstyles (contour plot, mesh). It supports complex arithmeticand user-defined functions and can label title, axes, and datapoints. It can output to several different graphics fileformats and devices. Command line editing and history aresupported and there is extensive on-line help.

Gnuplot is copyrighted, but freely distributable. It waswritten by Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley, Russell Lang, DaveKotz, John Campbell, Gershon Elber, Alexander Woo and manyothers. Despite its name, gnuplot is not related to the GNUproject or the FSF in any but the most peripheral sense. Itwas designed completely independently and is not covered bythe General Public License. However, the FSF has decidedto distribute gnuplot as part of the GNU system, because itis useful, redistributable software.

Gnuplot is available for: Unix (X11 and NEXTSTEP),VAX/VMS, OS/2, MS-DOS, Amiga, MS-Windows,OS-9/68k, Atari ST and Macintosh.

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