Frank Holten State Recreation Area

Frank Holten State Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Illinois
Location:Within sight of Saint Louis' Gateway Arch, park is almost entirely surrounded by East Saint Louis.
Facilities:Picnic areas with shelters, 18-hole golf course, food concession (in the golf clubhouse), boat ramps, sports fields.
Activities:Boating (10 HP limit), fishing, golf, picnicking, field sports.
Special Features:Park was established in 1964 and originally named Grand Marais. In 1967the name was changed to Frank Holten in honor of a distinguishedlegislator from East Saint Louis who served 48 years in the IllinoisGeneral Assembly. The park is one of the largest day-use facilities inthe surrounding area and can accommodate up to 2,000 patrons per day.
Address:4500 Pocket Rd
East Saint Louis, IL 62205

Size: 1,180 acres.

See other parks in Illinois.