Franklin Creek State Natural Area
Franklin Creek State Natural Area
Location:Northwest Illinois, 1 mile northwest of the village of Franklin Grove and 8 miles east of Dixon, just north of IL 38.
Facilities:Picnic areas, picnic shelters (some @di), restrooms, drinking water,trails (including @di); equestrian area with trails, picnic shelter,restrooms, drinking water, outdoor show areal; visitor center.
Activities:Fishing, hiking, horseback riding, hunting (limited), cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, interpretive programs.
Special Features:A 180-acre nature preserve where high, rocky bluffs shelter a perennialcreek, creating an environment in which a variety of flora and faunathrive, is the cornerstone from which the rest of this recreation areahas been built. A reconstructed 1847 grist mill that becameoperational in 1999 serves as the visitor center for the natural area.
Address:1872 Twist Rd
Franklin Grove, IL 61031
Size: 664 acres.
See other parks in Illinois.