German Workers Educational Society

German Workers’ Educational Society


founded on Feb. 7, 1840, in London by K. Schapper, J. Moll, and other members of the League of the Just.

After the founding of the Communist League (1847), the local communes of the league took over the leading role in the German Workers’ Educational Society. In 1847 and 1849–50 and from the late 1850’s, K. Marx and F. Engels participated in the work of the society, which was an international organization. It served as the German section of the First International in London. In 1918 the German Workers’ Educational Society was suppressed by the British government.


Marx, K., and F. Engels. Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 7, p. 193; vol. 8, p. 435; vol. 14, p. 629; vol. 19, pp. 33–34; vol. 30, pp. 396, 413.
Sinel’nikova, I. M. “Londonskoe kommunisticheskoe prosvetitel’noe obshchestvo nemetskikh rabochikh i I Internatsional.” Novaia i noveishaia istoriia, 1964, no. 6.