giant cell fibroma

gi·ant cell fi·bro·ma

a tumor of the oral mucosa composed of fibrous connective tissue with large stellate and multinucleate fibroblasts; shares a similar histology with the retrocuspid papilla, fibrous papule of the nose, pearly penile papule, and the ungual fibroma.
The oral counterpart of fibrous papule of the nose, which appears as an asymptomatic sessile or pedunculated nodule measuring less than 1 cm in diameter. Often, it has a bosselated or somewhat papillary surface. Most cases occur in ages 10-30 years. No sex predilection has been reported. The most common sites are the mandibular gingiva, followed by maxillary gingiva, tongue and palate.
DiffDx Squamous papilloma, irritation fibroma, pyogenic granuloma, and peripheral giant cell granuloma
Management Conservative excisional biopsy is curative, and its findings are diagnostic. Recurrence is rare

gi·ant cell fi·bro·ma

(jī'ănt sel fī-brō'mă) A tumor of the oral mucosa composed of fibrous connective tissue with large stellate and multinucleate fibroblasts.
Compare: giant cell granuloma

gi·ant cell fi·bro·ma

(jī'ănt sel fī-brō'mă) Tumor of oral mucosa composed of fibrous connective tissue with large stellate and multinucleate fibroblasts.