Frantisek Gellner
Gellner, Frantiśek
Born June 19, 1881, in Mladá Boleslav; died Sept. 13, 1914. Czech poet. Studied painting in Paris.
Gellner’s poetry (the collections After Us The Deluge Can Come, 1901, and The Joys of Life, 1903), directed against bourgeois hypocrisy, is suffused with the anarchic theme of destruction and a yearning for fair human relationships. His political satires exposed the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and the opportunism of the Social Democrats; the poems were illustrated with his own pointed cartoons. Gellner was killed in Galicia during World War I.
In Antologiia cheshskoi poezii XIX-XX vv., vol. 2. Moscow, 1959.REFERENCES
Buriánek, Fr. Bezruč, Toman, Gellner, Šrámek. Prague, 1955.Ocherki istorii cheshskoi literatury XIX-XX vv. Moscow, 1963.