Frantisek Slavik
Slavík, František
Born Aug. 18, 1876, in Kutná Hora; died Jan. 27, 1957, in Prague. Czech geologist. Member of the Academy of Sciences of Czechoslovakia.
Slavík graduated from Charles University in Prague in 1899. From 1910 to 1947 he was a professor at the university, and simultaneously, from 1913 he was director of the university’s mineralogical institute.
Slavik’s principal works dealt with petrography, crystallography, mineralogy, and geochemistry. Slavík studied the Precam-brian rocks and ore-bearing quartzites of Příbram and the manganese, tellurium, and iron ores of Czechoslovakia. He wrote textbooks on crystallography, mineralogy, and minerals and popular books on mineralogy.
Slavík was named a member of the Mineralogical Society of the USSR in 1937.