

 [gas″tro-pah-re´sis] paralysis of the stomach; called also gastroparalysis and gastroplegia.


(gas'trō-pă-ral'i-sis), Paralysis of the muscular coat of the stomach.


Partial paralysis of gastric smooth muscle, resulting in retention of food.
Autonomic neuropathy due to diabetes, gastric surgery, vagal nerve damage, viral infections, medications (e.g., anticholinergics and narcotics), gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD/GORD), smooth muscle disease (amyloidosis, scleroderma), metabolic disease (e.g. hypothyroidism).
Clinical findings
Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, loss of appetite, gastric muscle spasms, variable glucose levels.
Upper GI endoscopy, ultrasonography, radio contrast studies, gastric emptying scintigraphy, breath test, Smart Pill.


(gas'trō-păr-al'i-sis) Paralysis of the muscular coat of the stomach. [gastro- + G. paralyein, to disable]


(gas'trō-păr-al'i-sis) Paralysis of muscular coat of stomach.

Patient discussion about gastroparalysis

Q. is anyone following a diet for gastroparesis? i developed a bezoar in the stomach, as a result of gastroparesis and it caused internal bleeding, was wondering of anyone else has or knows someone who has had a similar experienceA. brandon
well i had vegus nerve severed also many years ago (forty or so) never gave me trble till recently everything seems ok rite now, but i think it may br an ongoing thing

Q. I have just been diagnosed with gastroparesis. I'am looking for more info on treatment and experiences... A. In most cases, treatment does not cure gastroparesis—it is usually a chronic condition. Treatment helps you manage the condition so you can be as healthy and comfortable as possible..there are medications that helps like Metoclopramide (Reglan) that stimulates stomach muscle contractions to help emptying. and dietary changes (having 6 small meals instead of big three..) and there even clinical trials with Botulinum Toxin that might be helpful, but still in research.

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