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Clara Bartonphotographed in 1904Bar·ton B0094000 (bär′tn), Clarissa Harlowe Known as "Clara." 1821-1912. American administrator who did battlefield relief work during the Civil War and organized the American Red Cross (1881).barton (ˈbɑːtən) n (Agriculture) archaic a farmyard[Old English beretūn, from bere barley + tūn stockade; see town]
Barton (ˈbɑːtən) n1. (Biography) Sir Derek (Harold Richard). 1918–98, British organic chemist: shared the Nobel prize for chemistry (1969) for his work on conformational analysis2. (Biography) Sir Edmund. 1849–1920, Australian statesman; first prime minister of Australia (1901–03)3. (Biography) Elizabeth, known as the Maid of Kent. ?1506–34, English nun, who claimed the gift of prophecy. Her criticism of Henry VIII's attempt to annul his first marriage led to her execution4. (Biography) John (Bernard Adie). born 1928, British theatre director, noted esp for his productions of ShakespeareBar•ton (ˈbɑr tn) n. 1. Clara, 1821–1912, U.S. philanthropist who organized the American Red Cross in 1881. 2. Derek H(arold) R(ichard), 1918–98, British chemist: Nobel prize 1969. Barton
Barton1. Sir Derek (Harold Richard). 1918--98, British organic chemist: shared the Nobel prize for chemistry (1969) for his work on conformational analysis 2. Sir Edmund 1849--1920, Australian statesman; first prime minister of Australia (1901--03) 3. Elizabeth, known as the Maid of Kent. ?1506--34, English nun, who claimed the gift of prophecy. Her criticism of Henry VIII's attempt to annul his first marriage led to her execution 4. John (Bernard Adie). born 1928, British theatre director, noted esp for his productions of Shakespeare Barton
Barton [bahr´tun] Clara (1821–1912). Founder and first president of the American National Red Cross. Born in North Oxford, Massachusetts, she distributed supplies for the relief of wounded soldiers during the Civil War, and at its close organized a bureau of records in Washington to aid in the search of missing men. She assisted in organizing military hospitals when the Franco-Prussian War started in 1870, and began at once to establish an American Red Cross Society upon her return to the United States in 1873. Clara Barton. Courtesy of American Red Cross.
Barton [bahr´tun] George. An architect who in 1917 organized a group of individuals interested in the advancement of occupational therapy and served as the president of the group, The National Society for the Promotion of Occupational Therapy. Barton became interested in occupational therapy during a long convalescence when he recognized the importance of activity in assisting him to cope with his illness and deal with his disabilities. The National Society for the Promotion of Occupational Therapy became the American Occupational Therapy Association in 1921.Bar·ton (bar'tŏn), John Rhea, U.S. surgeon, 1794-1871. See: Barton bandage, Barton forceps, Barton fracture. Barton Related to Barton: Barton fractureBARTON, old English law. The demesne land of a manor; a farm distinct from the mansion. Barton Related to Barton: Barton fracture Barton is not available in the Thesaurus. Check:- general English dictionary
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