François Adrien Boieldieu

Boieldieu, François Adrien


Born Dec. 16, 1775, in Rouen; died Oct. 8, 1834, at Jarcy, near Paris. French composer. Member of the Institute of France (1817).

In 1798, Boieldieu began teaching a piano class at the Paris Conservatory. During the years 1804-11 he served as conductor of the French opera troupe attached to the court at St. Petersburg. (In 1808 he went on tour with this troupe in Moscow.) In 1820, Boieldieu became a professor at the Paris Conservatory (composition class). A. Adam was one of his students.

Boieldieu was the most prominent representative of French comic opera during the first third of the 19th century. He wrote approximately 40 operas (several of them with other composers), including The Caliph of Baghdad (1800), Jean of Paris (1812), and Little Red Riding Hood (1818). A vivid example of the romantic tendency in French comic opera is his The White Lady (1825). He also wrote numerous romances and piano pieces. Boieldieu’s music is distinguished by its melodic quality and refinement.


Findeizin, N. “Boal’d’e i pridvornaia frantsuzskaia opera v S.-Peterburge v nachale 19 v.” Ezhegodnik imperatorskikh teatrov, 1910, issue 5.
Pougin, A. Boieldieu: Sa vie, ses oeuvres, son caractère, sa correspondance. Paris, 1875.
Favre, G. Boieldieu: Sa vie, son ouevre, vols. 1-2. Paris, 1944-45.