Françoise Sagan

Sagan, Françoise


Born June 21, 1935, in Cajarc, Lot Department. French writer.

Sagan graduated from a Catholic lycée in Paris. Her first novels, Bonjour Tristesse (1954; Russian translation, 1974) and A Certain Smile (1956), expressed the attitude of French youth who had become indifferent to society and its problems. The novels Those Without Shadows (1957), Aimez-vous Brahms? (1959; film version, 1961; Russian translation, 1974), The Wonderful Clouds (1961), La Chamade (1965), and A Few Hours of Sunlight (1969; Russian translation, 1972) depict young girls who on the threshold of womanhood confront an unresolvable problem—the need for love and the impossibility of finding it. Sagan’s prose is noted for its clarity, precision, and subtlety of psychological characterization; however, her novels suffer from narrowness of subject and social outlook, the limited nature of the problems examined, and repetitiveness. Her plays, which include Castle in Sweden (1960), At Times, Violins (1962), and Valentine’s Mauve Dress (1963), are light comedies in the tradition of the théâtre des boulevards.


Des Bleus à l’âme. Paris, 1972.
Un Profil perdu. Paris, 1974.


Shkunaeva, I. Sovremennaiafrantsuzskaia literatura. Moscow, 1962.
Zonina, L. “Pechal’nyi vzgliad.” In F. Sagan, Nemnogo solntsa v kholodnoi vode i drugiepovesti. Moscow, 1974.
Hourdin, G. Le Cas Françoise Sagan. Paris [1958].
Sénart, P. Chemins critiques. [Paris, 1966.]