Acronym | Definition |
FST➣Field Sobriety Test |
FST➣Federal Sales Tax |
FST➣Financial Services Technology |
FST➣Food Science & Technology (various organizations) |
FST➣Faculté des Sciences et Techniques (French: Faculty of Science and Technology; Morocco) |
FST➣Financial Secretary to the Treasury (UK) |
FST➣Faculté des Sciences de Tunis (French: Faculty of Sciences of Tunisia) |
FST➣Flat Square Tube (monitors) |
FST➣Florida Studio Theatre (Sarasota, FL) |
FST➣Flat Square Technology |
FST➣Fifo Status |
FST➣Flat Square Tube |
FST➣Fast Sequenced Transport |
FST➣Fail Safe Technology |
FST➣Fédération Suisse du Tourisme (French: Swiss Tourism Federation) |
FST➣Finite State Transducer |
FST➣Financial Services Training College (UK) |
FST➣Fairfield/Suisun Transit (California) |
FST➣Forward Surgical Team |
FST➣Fujitsu Software Technologies (Japan) |
FST➣Franciscan School of Theology (Berkeley, California) |
FST➣Family Support Team |
FST➣Fonds de Solidarité Territoriale (French: Territorial Solidarity Fund) |
FST➣Fan Soundtrack |
FST➣Fuzzy Set Theory |
FST➣Functions, Statistics, and Trigonometry (course) |
FST➣Finlands Svenska Television (Swedish: Finland Swedish Television) |
FST➣French Summer Time (time zone) |
FST➣Fairbanks Shakespeare Theatre (Fairbanks, AK) |
FST➣Fluffy Spider Technologies (Australia) |
FST➣Fleet Surgical Team (US Navy) |
FST➣Field Sanitation Team (US Army) |
FST➣Fire, Smoke and Toxicity |
FST➣Fleet Synthetic Training |
FST➣Foreign Section Trust (Japan) |
FST➣Foundation for Science and Technology (UK) |
FST➣Fleet Support Team |
FST➣Fixed-Stride Trie (computing) |
FST➣Family Systems Theory |
FST➣Forged Steel |
FST➣Functions, Statistics & Trigonometry (mathematics) |
FST➣Formosan Subterranean Termites |
FST➣Fast Sequenced Transport (Cisco) |
FST➣Full Scale Test |
FST➣Flat Square Technology (CRT) |
FST➣Future Soldier Training (US Army) |
FST➣Field Structure Theory |
FST➣File System Translator (Apple ProDOS) |
FST➣Floating Slab Track (railway track form) |
FST➣Flight Safety Technologies, Inc. |
FST➣Field Support Teams |
FST➣Flat Screen Technology |
FST➣Finger Skin Temperature |
FST➣Final Settlement Tank (waste water treatment) |
FST➣Field Service Team |
FST➣Facility Science Team (US NASA) |
FST➣Finance Support Team |
FST➣Future Science Teachers (University of California, Davis) |
FST➣Fast Sine Transform |
FST➣Feature Space Trajectory |
FST➣Field Support Terminal |
FST➣Fire Safety Technology |
FST➣Forward Support Team |
FST➣Flight Simulation Test |
FST➣Flight Support Team |
FST➣Fire Support Terminal |
FST➣Fast Shock Tube |
FST➣Fiscal Support Team |
FST➣Foreign Service Tour |
FST➣Flammability, Smoke, Toxicity |
FST➣Functional System Test |
FST➣Flakkee Swat Team (gaming clan) |
FST➣Fixation Index-Statistics (population genetics) |
FST➣Field Start code (ITU-T) |
FST➣Facility-Specific Training |
FST➣Fast Sub-Space Tracking (algorithm) |
FST➣Formal School Training |
FST➣Face Scan Technology |
FST➣Field Selectable Threshold (Pirelli) |
FST➣Frame Service Time |
FST➣Foundation for Surgical Technology (est. 1997; Littleton, CO) |
FST➣FOB, Stowed and Trimmed |
FST➣Flight Systems Test |
FST➣Formal Specification Technique |
FST➣Frontline Support Team |
FST➣Fort Smith Public Transit |
FST➣Functional Self Test (hardware or software test sequence) |