

G0078400 (jĕn′ər-ə-līz′)v. gen·er·al·ized, gen·er·al·iz·ing, gen·er·al·iz·es a. To reduce to a general form, class, or law.b. To render indefinite or unspecific.2. a. To infer from many particulars.b. To draw inferences or a general conclusion from.3. a. To make generally or universally applicable.b. To popularize.v.intr.1. a. To form a concept inductively.b. To form general notions or conclusions.2. To deal in generalities; speak or write vaguely.3. Medicine To spread through the body. Used of a usually localized disease.
gen′er·al·iz′a·ble adj.gen′er·al·iz′er n.