Fraser-Lendrum stain for fibrin

Fra·ser-Len·drum stain for fi·brin

(frā'zĕr len'drŭm), a multistaining procedure after Zenker fixative in which fibrin, keratin, and some cytoplasmic granules appear red, erythrocytes appear orange, and collagen appears green.


Alexander, Canadian pathologist, 1869-1939. Fraser-Lendrum stain for fibrin - a multistaining procedure after Zenker fixative in which fibrin, keratin, and some cytoplasmic granules appear red, erythrocytes appear orange, and collagen appears green.


A.C., 20th century Scottish pathologist. Fraser-Lendrum stain for fibrin - see under Fraser, AlexanderLendrum phloxine-tartrazine stain - a stain for demonstrating acidophilic inclusion bodies.