Fraser syndrome

Fra·ser syn·drome

(frā'zĕr), [MIM*219000] an association of cryptophthalmos with multiple anomalies, including middle and outer ear malformations, cleft palate, laryngeal deformity, displacement of umbilicus and nipples, digital malformations, separation of symphysis pubis, maldevelopment of kidneys, and masculinization of genitalia in females; autosomal recessive inheritance. Synonym(s): cryptophthalmos syndrome

Fra·ser syn·drome

(frā'zĕr sin'drōm) An association of cryptophthalmus with multiple anomalies, including middle and outer ear malformations, cleft palate, laryngeal deformity, displacement of umbilicus and nipples, digital malformations, separation of symphysis pubis, maldevelopment of kidneys, and masculinization of genitalia in females; autosomal recessive inheritance.


George R., English geneticist, 1932–. Fraser syndrome - an association of cryptophthalmus with multiple anomalies. Synonym(s): cryptophthalmus syndromeFraser syndrome - see under Melnick, M