Acronym | Definition |
FSW➣Federal Skilled Worker (various locations) |
FSW➣Fonds Soziales Wien (German: Vienna Social Fund; Vienna, Austria) |
FSW➣Friction Stir Welding |
FSW➣Fuji Speedway (Taiwan) |
FSW➣Flight Software |
FSW➣Family Services of Westchester (Yorkers, NY) |
FSW➣Food Service Worker |
FSW➣File System Watcher |
FSW➣Free Software |
FSW➣Full Spectrum Warrior (video game) |
FSW➣Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen (Dutch: Faculty of Social Sciences) |
FSW➣Faculty of Social Work (various universities) |
FSW➣File Share Witness |
FSW➣Female Sex Worker |
FSW➣Family Support Worker |
FSW➣Forward Swept Wing (aviation) |
FSW➣Feet of Seawater (diving) |
FSW➣Fox Sports World (cable TV channel) |
FSW➣Freestyle-Wave (windsurfing board category) |
FSW➣Fat Spanish Waiter |
FSW➣Full-Stripe Write (disks) |
FSW➣Food Service Warehouse |
FSW➣Filtered Sea Water |
FSW➣Facilitation Skills Workshop (various locations) |
FSW➣Federated Social Web (social networking) |
FSW➣Fantasy Sports Wire |
FSW➣Flute Society of Washington (Manassas, VA) |
FSW➣Federal Screw Works (St. Clair Shores, MI automotive fastener supplier) |
FSW➣Family Services Working (to Strengthen our Communities; Bridgeport, CT) |
FSW➣Flight Sim World (gaming) |
FSW➣Faso Airways - Burkina Faso (ICAO code) |
FSW➣Female Socket Weld |
FSW➣Foothill Symphonic Winds (Palo Alto, CA) |
FSW➣Fire Team Support Weapon |
FSW➣Fletcher Sutcliffe Wild Ltd. (UK) |