Acronym | Definition |
GLD➣Gold |
GLD➣Gelderland (Dutch province) |
GLD➣Gifted and Learning Disabled |
GLD➣Gladstone (Queensland, Australia) |
GLD➣Government Logistics Department (Hong Kong) |
GLD➣Gl Drawable |
GLD➣Glider |
GLD➣General Ledger Detail |
GLD➣Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy |
GLD➣Generalized Lambda Distribution |
GLD➣General Law Division |
GLD➣Generally Licensed Device (various locations) |
GLD➣Goodland, KS, USA - Renner Field (Airport Code) |
GLD➣Global Love Day (Love Foundation) |
GLD➣Good London Delivery (London Bullion Market Association; UK) |
GLD➣Gas Leak Detector |
GLD➣Grimaldi Louis Dreyfus (ferry service; Europe) |
GLD➣Global Learning Day |
GLD➣Generalized Low Density |
GLD➣Ground Laser Designator |
GLD➣Governmental Liaison and Disclosure (Internal Revenue Service) |
GLD➣Generalized Likelihood Detector |
GLD➣Grey Line of Denver |
GLD➣Gross Logical Design |
GLD➣Ground Lift Dumping (aviation) |