Germinal, Rebellion of

Germinal, Rebellion of


a mass uprising in Paris against the counterrevolutionary policy of the Thermidorean Convention; the uprising broke out on the 12th of Germinal of the year III of the Republic (Apr. 1, 1795). The rebels, who included the urban poor, craftsmen, and workers from the Parisian suburbs, demanded the introduction of the Jacobin constitution of 1793, the release of arrested democrats, and strong measures against food speculators. The uprising was suppressed on the 13th of Germinal. The rebellion of Germinal, like the rebellion of Prairial that followed it in May, was a heroic attempt by the popular masses to defend the democratic conquests of the period of the Jacobin dictatorship.


Tarle, E. V. “Zherminal’ i prerial.”Sochineniia, vol. 6. Moscow, 1959.