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GAFA(Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon) Four of the most powerful tech companies in the U.S. GAFA is a popular term in Europe. GAFAM is also common, which includes Microsoft. NATU refers to the most recent disruptive organizations: Netflix, Airbnb, Tesla and Uber. In China, BATX refers to Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent and Xiomi. See BUNCH and Big Five.GAFA
Acronym | Definition |
GAFA➣Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon (various companies) | GAFA➣Google Amazon Facebook Apple | GAFA➣Geometric and Functional Analysis (mathematical journal) | GAFA➣Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (China) | GAFA➣German-American Firefighters Association | GAFA➣Game and Fish Act of Ontario (Canada) | GAFA➣Geophysical Application and Field Assessment (Canada) | GAFA➣Great Australian Freak All (polite form; slang for the Australian Outback) | GAFA➣Google AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and Extensible Markup Language) Feed API (Application Programming Interface) |