giant condyloma


 [kon″dĭ-lo´mah] (pl. condylo´mata) (L.) an elevated wartlike lesion of the skin. adj., adj condylo´matous.condyloma´ta acumina´ta (sing. condylo´ma acumina´tum) Sexually transmitted venereal papillomatous lesions caused by the papillomavirus" >human papillomavirus. The incubation period is one to three months. The growths are usually pinkish and occur around the cervix, vulva, perineum, anus and anal canal, urethra, and glans penis. They are often treated with weekly applications of podophyllum resin, 10 to 25 per cent in tincture of benzoin or by application of trichloroacetic acid. Especially resistant warts or extensive involvement may require electrocautery, cryosurgery, or recombinant interferon alfa-2b or alfa-n3. Called also genital or venereal warts. (See Atlas 2, Part H.)flat condyloma condyloma latum.giant condyloma Buschke-Löwenstein tumor.condyloma la´tum a wide, flat, syphilitic condyloma occurring on moist skin, especially around the genitals or anus.

gi·ant con·dy·lo·ma

a large type of condyloma acuminatum found in the anus, vulva, or preputial sac of the penis of middle-aged, uncircumcised men; it tends to extend deeply and recur.
See also: verrucous carcinoma.

gi·ant con·dy·lo·ma

(jī'ănt kon'di-lō'mă) A large type of condyloma acuminatum found in the anus, vulva, or preputial sac of the penis of middle-aged, uncircumcised men; it tends to extend deeply and recur.


Abraham, Polish-born German dermatologist, 1868-1943. Buschke disease - obsolete eponym for cryptococcosis. Synonym(s): scleredema adultorumBuschke-Löwenstein tumor - a large type of condyloma acuminatum found in the genitals. Synonym(s): giant condylomaBuschke-Ollendorf syndrome - Synonym(s): osteopoikilosisBusse-Buschke disease - see under Busse