Acronym | Definition |
FTP➣File Transfer Protocol |
FTP➣File Transfer Process (less common) |
FTP➣For the People (TV show) |
FTP➣First to Post (message board) |
FTP➣Free to Play (gaming) |
FTP➣Foster the People (band) |
FTP➣Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian (Indonesian: Faculty of Agricultural Technology) |
FTP➣Free Trial Period |
FTP➣Fitness to Practise (medicine; various locations) |
FTP➣First Time Poster (social media) |
FTP➣Full-Time Position |
FTP➣Failure To Pay (court ordered fines) |
FTP➣Foreign Trade Policy |
FTP➣Federal Test Procedure |
FTP➣Fulfilling the Promise (various organizations) |
FTP➣First Time Patient |
FTP➣File Transfer Profile |
FTP➣Full Time Position |
FTP➣First Step |
FTP➣Foil Twisted Pair |
FTP➣Fit to Page |
FTP➣Forms Translator Program |
FTP➣Flow Termination Point |
FTP➣File Transfer Program |
FTP➣Full-Time Permanent |
FTP➣Feel the Pain |
FTP➣Future Tours Program (cricket) |
FTP➣First-order Theorem Proving (International Workshop) |
FTP➣First Tranche Petroleum (energy sharing) |
FTP➣Foil Twisted Pair (cable) |
FTP➣Fast Track Program |
FTP➣For the Professionals |
FTP➣France Télévisions Publicité (French: France Television Advertising) |
FTP➣Fawcette Technical Publications |
FTP➣Federal Theatre Project |
FTP➣Funds Transfer Pricing |
FTP➣Fight the Power |
FTP➣Full Throttle Position |
FTP➣Failure to Progress (obstetrics, labor) |
FTP➣Fuel Tank Pressure (sensor) |
FTP➣Francs-Tireurs Partisans (French: Partisan Irregular Riflemen) |
FTP➣First Time Pass |
FTP➣Frequent Traveler Program |
FTP➣For Ten Points (college bowl) |
FTP➣Functional Threshold Power (exercise physiology) |
FTP➣Florida Teaching Profession |
FTP➣Flowing Tubing Pressure |
FTP➣Fleet Training Publication (US Navy) |
FTP➣Family Transition Place (Ontario, Canada) |
FTP➣Fire Test Procedure (international code; marine transportation) |
FTP➣Food Transfer Protocol :-) |
FTP➣Fiber Termination Panel (Sprint) |
FTP➣Functional Test Procedure |
FTP➣Field Training Preparation (USAF ROTC) |
FTP➣Fly-To-Point |
FTP➣Fire Treated Plywood |
FTP➣Facility Training Program |
FTP➣Functional and Technical Program (architectural development) |
FTP➣Forced Termination Probability |
FTP➣Final Technical Proposal |
FTP➣Flight Test Procedure |
FTP➣Functional Test Program |
FTP➣Fracture Transition Plastic |
FTP➣Folded, Trimmed and Packed (printing) |
FTP➣Full-Time Patch (ophthalmology) |
FTP➣Focused Technology Program |
FTP➣Fresh Tomato Pomace (swine feed) |
FTP➣Formal Technical Proposal |
FTP➣Fuel Transfer Port |
FTP➣Foreign Trained Professional (Canada) |
FTP➣Funk the Police (band) |
FTP➣Freedom and Technology Program (ACLU) |
FTP➣Functional Transfer Plan |
FTP➣Flush Terminal Plane (type of occlusion) |