Fred Ellis

Ellis, Fred


Born June 5, 1886, in Chicago; died June 10, 1965, in New York. American cartoonist. Member of the Communist Party of the USA from 1924.

Ellis attended an art school in Chicago in 1905. In 1927 he became chief artist for the Daily Worker, and from 1930 to 1936 he worked in the USSR for the newspapers Pravda and Trud. Ellis’ clear, straightforward, and visually appealing cartoons were impassioned and pithily expressive. They exposed the vices of capitalism, appealed to the working class to struggle, and hotly condemned fascism.


Durus, A. Fred Ellis. Moscow-Leningrad, 1937.
Vygodskaia, T. “Fred Ellis.” Iskusstvo, 1964, no. 11.