Bartonella bacilliformis

Bar·ton·el·la ba·cil·li·for·mis

a species found in the blood and epithelial cells of lymph nodes, spleen, and liver in Oroya fever of which it is the cause and in blood and eruptive elements in verruga peruana; probably also found in sandflies (Phlebotomus verrucarum); known to be established only on the South American continent and perhaps in Central America; it is the type species of the genus Bartonella.

Bartonella bacilliformis

A haemotropic gram-negative organism, which causes a chronic skin infection characterised by a highly vascularised reddish papular lesion (verruga peruana).

Bar·ton·el·la ba·cil·li·for·mis

(bahr-tō-nel'ă ba-sil-i-fōr'mis) A species found in the blood, lymph nodes, spleen, and liver in Oroya fever and in blood and eruptive elements in verruga peruana.

Bartonella bacilliformis

A species that causes bartonellosis. See: bartonellosis.See also: Bartonella