Bartonella quintana

Bartonella quintana

formerly the type species of the genus Rochalimaea, this organism causes trench fever and in AIDS patients is associated with septicemia and endocarditis; arthropod vector is Pediculus humanus, the body louse.

Bartonella quintana

A slender, fastidious coccobacillus found in the normal flora of small rodents, which is transmitted by body lice and causes trench fever, bacillary splenitis, bacteraemia, endocarditis and cat-scratch disease, as well as cutaneous bacillary angiomatosis, relapsing fever, and chronic lymphadenopath in alcoholics and in the homeless.
Culture, direct immunofluorescence, DNA-hybridisation, PCR-amplified RFLPs, serology.
Empirical—nafcillin, ceftriaxone, etc.

Bartonella quintana

Rochalimaea quintana Infectious disease A slender, fastidious coccobacillary bacterium found in the normal flora of small rodents transmitted by body lice, which causes trench fever, bacillary splenitis, bacteremia, endocarditis, cat-scratch disease, and cutaneous bacillary angiomatosis, relapsing fever, chronic lymphadenopathy in alcoholics, and in the homeless Management Empirical–nafcillin, ceftriaxone etc. See Trench fever.

Bar·to·nel·la quin·ta·na

(bahr-tō-nel'ă kwin-tan'ă) A bacterial species closely resembling Rickettsia in staining properties, morphology, and mode of transmission between hosts. Organisms usually reside extracellularly in arthropod hosts and intracellularly in mammalian hosts. Type species of the genus Bartonella.