(operating system)A free operating system based on the BSD 4.4-lite release from Computer Systems Research Group atthe University of California at Berkeley.

FreeBSD requires an ISA, EISA, VESA, or PCI basedcomputer with an Intel 80386SX to Pentium CPU (orcompatible AMD or Cyrix CPU) with 4 megabytes of RAM and60MB of disk space.

Some of FreeBSD's features are: preemptive multitasking withdynamic priority adjustment to ensure smooth and fair sharingof the computer between applications and users. Multiuseraccess - peripherals such as printers and tape drives can beshared between all users. Complete TCP/IP networkingincluding SLIP, PPP, NFS and NIS. Memory protection, demand-paged virtual memory with a mergedVM/buffer cache design. FreeBSD was designed as a 32 bit operating system. X Window System (X11R6) provides agraphical user interface. Binary compatibility with manyprograms built for SCO, BSDI, NetBSD, 386BSD, andLinux. Hundreds of ready-to-run applications in the FreeBSDports collection. FreeBSD is source code compatible withmost popular commercial Unix systems and thus mostapplications require few, if any, changes to compile. Shared libraries. A full compliment of C, C++, Fortran andPerl development tools and many other languages. Source code for the entire system is available. Extensive on-linedocumentation. or try your nearestmirror site listed at the home site or buy the CD-ROM fromWalnut Creek.