

单词 geographic information system

geographic information system

geographic information system

n. Abbr. GIS A computer application used to store, view, and analyze geographical and statistical information.

Geographic Information System

Geographic Information System

(application)(GIS) A computer system for capturing, storing,checking, integrating, manipulating, analysing and displayingdata related to positions on the Earth's surface. Typically,a GIS is used for handling maps of one kind or another. Thesemight be represented as several different layers where eachlayer holds data about a particular kind of feature(e.g. roads). Each feature is linked to a position on thegraphical image of a map.

Layers of data are organised to be studied and to performstatistical analysis (i.e. a layer of customer locations couldinclude fields for Name, Address, Contact, Number, Area).Uses are primarily government related, town planning, localauthority and public utility management, environmental,resource management, engineering, business, marketing, anddistribution.

GIS dictionary.


geographic information system

geographic information system

a computer-based system that combines cartographic capabilities with electronic data processing to rapidly produce customized maps for use in epidemiologic studies.

ge·o·graph·ic in·for·ma·tion sys·tem

(jē'ŏ-graf'ik in'fōr-mā'shŭn sis'tĕm) A computer-based system that combines cartographic capabilities with electronic data processing to rapidly produce customized maps for use in epidemiologic studies.

geographic information system

geographic information system (GIS)

A computer mapping program in which land characteristics and/or demographic information may be revealed and printed as color-coded overlays.





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