gestational diabetes mellitus

ges·ta·tion·al di·a·be·tes mellitus (GDM),

carbohydrate intolerance of variable severity with onset or first recognition during pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes occurs in 10-15% of all pregnancies. Although it typically resolves after delivery, as many as 50% of women with this disorder eventually develop impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes mellitus (DM). Factors that increase the likelihood of gestational diabetes include obesity, maternal age over 25, family history of DM, and prior history of gestational diabetes. DM occurring during pregnancy increases the risk of maternal pyelonephritis and of certain congenital anomalies, and is often associated with polyhydramnios and fetal macrosomia, with resultant dystocia. The infant of a woman with gestational diabetes is more likely to develop obesity, impaired glucose tolerance, or DM. It is recommended that pregnant women at risk be screened for gestational diabetes between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy. Gestational diabetes can usually be managed by restriction of carbohydrate intake, but insulin is sometimes required.

gestational diabetes mellitus

Glucose intolerance first detected during pregnancy Associations ↑ Maternal and fetal perinatal complications, tendency to develop glucose intolerance in absence of pregnancy 5-10 yrs later Incidence Up to 5% of pregnancies Complications–maternal Preterm labor, HTN, polyhydramnios, C-section for macrosomia, ↑ subsequent DM Complications–fetal Macrosomia, shoulder dystocia, perinatal mortality–2 to 5%, congenital malformation–cardiac, CNS. See Fetal diabetes 'syndrome. ', Glucose tolerance curve.

Patient discussion about gestational diabetes mellitus

Q. What complications have you had with gestational diabetes? I have just found out that I have gestational diabetes and I am over 37 weeks pregnant. It has gone undiagnosed and we have found out that I why my baby is so large. She is already 8 pounds 12 ounces based on the ultra sound. My concerns are now with my baby and I want her to be healthy. Any personal experiences would be great!A. Thanks for the help..

Q. What is Gestational Diabetes? What is Gestational Diabetes?A. Gestational diabetes is a condition where you have high blood glucose (sugar) levels and it happens for the first timing during your pregnancy. About 7% of all pregnant women in the U.S. are diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

Q. How do I prevent Gestational diabetes? The first pregnancy I developed Gestational diabetes at the 26 week. How do I prevent it from happening?A. There are no guarantees when it comes to preventing gestational diabetes — but the more healthy habits you can adopt before pregnancy, the better. Because the risk factors are the same as diabetes type 2 – the same measures should be taken- Eat healthy foods, Get more physical activity, Lose excess pounds.

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