

单词 agreement



A0148300 (ə-grē′mənt)n.1. a. The act of agreeing: When did the agreement take place?b. Harmony of opinion; accord: Since we are all in agreement, let's proceed.2. An arrangement between parties, usually resulting from a discussion, regarding a course of action.3. Law a. A properly executed and legally binding contract.b. The writing or document embodying this contract.4. Grammar Correspondence in gender, number, case, or person between words.Synonyms: agreement, bargain, compact2, covenant, deal1, pact
These nouns denote an understanding between parties specifying what is expected of each: made an agreement that I would replace any of the items I lost or damaged; kept my end of the bargain and mowed the lawn; made a compact to correspond regularly; vows that constituted a covenant between the marriage partners; made a deal that if her parents got a new dog, she would walk it; a solemn pact to support each other in times of trouble.
Our Living Language Sometimes vernacular varieties of English do not conform to the standard pattern of subject-verb agreement, such as in the constructions She walk, People goes, and Pat and Terry likes the new movie. The standard pattern requires an -s ending on present-tense verbs with third-person singular subjects (such as the teacher or he/she/it) and no ending on verbs with any other kind of subject. Speakers who do not follow this pattern smooth out this irregularity by using -s endings for all persons and numbers (I/you/she/we/they walks) or by using no inflection at all (I/you/she/we/they go). The regularization of agreement patterns is not confined to today's vernacular dialect speakers. Subject-verb agreement has become progressively simpler throughout the development of English. In older varieties of English, all verbs took endings for person and number in both present and past tense. Vernacular speakers who use patterns such as she go or the students walks are carrying on the historic tradition of simplifying agreement patterns. See Note at be


(əˈɡriːmənt) n1. the act of agreeing2. a settlement, esp one that is legally enforceable; covenant; treaty3. a contract or document containing such a settlement4. the state of being of the same opinion; concord; harmony5. the state of being similar or consistent; correspondence; conformity6. (Grammar) grammar Also called: concord the determination of the inflectional form of one word by some grammatical feature, such as number or gender, of another word, esp one in the same sentence7. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) See collective agreement, national agreement[C14: from Old French]


(əˈgri mənt)

n. 1. the act of agreeing or of coming to a mutual arrangement. 2. the state of being in accord. 3. an arrangement that is accepted by all parties to a transaction. 4. a contract or other document delineating such an arrangement. 5. correspondence in grammatical case, number, gender, person, etc., between syntactically connected words. [1375–1425; late Middle English < Middle French]


analogyan agreement or correspondence in particular features between things otherwise dissimilar; in literature, the basis for metaphor and simile. — analogie, analogical, adj.arbiterone chosen to settle a controversy; an umpire or arbitrator.arbitratrix, arbitressa female arbiter.armisticea temporary cessation of hostilities, by agreement between the belligerents, prior to the negotiation or signing of a peace treaty.comityamity.conciliationthe process of conciliating or bringing to agreement. — conciliator, n.congruencea correspondence in physical structure or thought; harmony. Also congruity. — congruent, adj.consiliencethe process of concurring or agreeing. See also chance.consonance, consonancyagreement, consistency.dialoguea frank exchange of ideas, spoken or written, for the purpose of meeting in harmony.equipollence, equipollencyequalness of force, validity, etc. See also logic. — equipollent, adj.indentureship1. the state or period of being indentured or apprenticed; apprenticeship.
2. the state or period of being a servant bound to service for a specified time in return for passage to a colony.
negotiationthe act or process of conferring or discussing to reach agreement in matters of business or state. See also trade. — negotiant, negotiator, negotriatrix, n.similaritya point, feature, or detail in which two items are alike.




  1. About as far apart as an atheist and a born-again Christian —Anon
  2. Acquiesced like an old man acquiescing in death —Wilfrid Sheed
  3. (Nobody can be as) agreeable as an uninvited guest —Frank McKinney

    Humorists like McKinney are notable phrase converters. This simile may be a case in point, evolving from William Wordsworth’s sonnet To a Snowdrop which describes a flower bending its forehead “As if fearful to offend, like an unbidden guest.”

    See Also: BEHAVIOR

  4. Agree like a finger and a thumb —Anon
  5. Agree like two cats in a gutter —John Heywood’s Proverbs
  6. Agree like cats and dogs —John Ray’s Proverbs

    This sarcastic twist to the more commonly used “Fight like cats and dogs” dates back to the nineteenth century.

  7. Agree like pickpockets in a fair —John Ray’s Proverbs
  8. Agree like the clocks of London —Richard Brinsley Sheridan
  9. As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire, so is a contentious man to kindle strife —The Holy Bible/Proverbs
  10. As far apart as the atheists who claim there is no soul, and the Christian Scientists who declare there is no body —Anon
  11. Co-operate about as much as two tomcats on a fence —Raymond Chandler
  12. Far apart as the poles —Anon
  13. Flock together in consent, like so many wild geese —William Shakespeare
  14. Like the course of the heavenly bodies, harmony in national life is a resultant of the struggle between contending forces —Judge Louis D. Brandeis
  15. Sentiments as equal as if weighed on a golden scale —Janet Flanner
  16. We are made for cooperation, like feet, like hands, like eyelids, like the row of the upper and lower teeth. To act against one another is contrary to nature —Marcus Aurelius



Lamourette’s kiss A short-lived reconciliation, particularly one that is made insincerely; an ephemeral rapprochement; subterfuge; shrewd or cunning deceit. The Lamourette in this expression was Abbé Lamourette, a French politician who, on July 7, 1792, convinced the many discordant factions of the Legislative Assembly of France to lay aside their differences and work together for the common good. After much demonstration and protestation of peace-making, the legislators soon lapsed into their former hostilities, but with even more animosity and rancor than before. Since that time, the expression has been used figuratively, usually in reference to transitory or disingenuous political agreements.

make no bones about See CANDIDNESS.

package deal An agreement or settlement in which all of the conditions must be either accepted or rejected; an all-or-nothing arrangement or plan which involves the acceptance of one or more negative elements as a requisite to achieving a generally favorable goal. Originally, a package deal was a group of goods which were wrapped in one package and sold at a bargain tprice, one lower than the combined cost of purchasing each item separately. Although this connotation is still retained, package deal usually refers to a political or industrial pact which contains several related or unrelated provisions, all of which must be accepted or rejected as a unit. Package deal has also enjoyed some jocular use, often in reference to a person ’s spouse or family.

strike a bargain To conclude a bargain or other deal; to settle or arrange the terms of a transaction; to agree on a compromise or other settlement. This expression alludes to the ancient Greek and Roman custom of sealing a business contract by striking (i.e., killing) an animal and offering it as a sacrifice to their deities. Although this tradition is long since gone, the expression persists.

As soon as the bargain is struck, the property of the goods is transferred to the vendee. (Sir William Blackstone, Commentary on the Laws of England, 1766)

With the demise of sacrificial offerings, it became customary in many societies to seal an agreement by shaking or striking hands, thus the related and synonymous strike hands.

Noun1.agreement - the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promisesagreement - the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises; "they had an agreement that they would not interfere in each other's business"; "there was an understanding between management and the workers"understandingconspiracy, confederacy - a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful actfair-trade agreement - an agreement (illegal in the United States) between the manufacturer of a trademarked item of merchandise and its retail distributors to sell the item at a price at or above the price set by the manufacturercovenant - (Bible) an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior from them in returnunilateral contract - a one-sided agreement whereby you promise to do (or refrain from doing) something in return for a performance (not a promise)sales agreement, sale - an agreement (or contract) in which property is transferred from the seller (vendor) to the buyer (vendee) for a fixed price in money (paid or agreed to be paid by the buyer); "the salesman faxed the sales agreement to his home office"statement - a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc; "according to his statement he was in London on that day"term, condition - (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement; "the contract set out the conditions of the lease"; "the terms of the treaty were generous"bargain, deal - an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each; "he made a bargain with the devil"; "he rose to prominence through a series of shady deals"working agreement - an informal agreement to work togethergentlemen's agreement - a personal agreement based on honor and not legally bindingwritten agreement - a legal document summarizing the agreement between partiessubmission - an agreement between parties in a dispute to abide by the decision of an arbiterentente, entente cordiale - a friendly understanding between political powersoral contract - an agreement that is not in writing and is not signed by the parties but is a real existing contract that lacks only the formal requirement of a memorandum to render it enforceable in litigationreservation - the written record or promise of an arrangement by which accommodations are secured in advancesettlement - a conclusive resolution of a matter and disposition of itseverance agreement - an agreement on the terms on which an employee will leavesuicide pact - an agreement by two or more people to commit suicide together at a given place and time; "the two lovers killed themselves in a suicide pact"
2.agreement - compatibility of observations; "there was no agreement between theory and measurement"; "the results of two tests were in correspondence"correspondencecompatibility - capability of existing or performing in harmonious or congenial combinationconformance, conformity - correspondence in form or appearance
3.agreement - harmony of people's opinions or actions or charactersagreement - harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters; "the two parties were in agreement"accordconcordance, concord, harmony - a harmonious state of things in general and of their properties (as of colors and sounds); congruity of parts with one another and with the wholecommunity of interests, community - agreement as to goals; "the preachers and the bootleggers found they had a community of interests"meeting of minds, concurrence - a state of cooperationconsensus - agreement in the judgment or opinion reached by a group as a whole; "the lack of consensus reflected differences in theoretical positions"; "those rights and obligations are based on an unstated consensus"sense of the meeting - general agreement reached by an assembled group; "no vote was taken, but after each discussion the chair summed up the sense of the meeting"unanimity - everyone being of one mindunison - corresponding exactly; "marching in unison"social contract - an implicit agreement among people that results in the organization of society; individual surrenders liberty in return for protectiondisagreement, dissonance, dissension - a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters
4.agreement - the thing arranged or agreed toagreement - the thing arranged or agreed to; "they made arrangements to meet in Chicago"arrangementplanning, preparation, provision - the cognitive process of thinking about what you will do in the event of something happening; "his planning for retirement was hindered by several uncertainties"collusion - secret agreementprearrangement - something arranged in advance
5.agreement - the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relationsconcordgrammatical relation - a linguistic relation established by grammarnumber agreement - agreement in number between words in the same grammatical construction (e.g., between adjectives and the nouns they modify)person agreement - agreement in person between pronouns and verbscase agreement - agreement in grammatical case between words in the same constructiongender agreement - agreement in grammatical gender between words in the same construction
6.agreement - the verbal act of agreeingagreement - the verbal act of agreeing speech act - the use of language to perform some actassent, acquiescence - agreement with a statement or proposal to do something; "he gave his assent eagerly"; "a murmur of acquiescence from the assembly"concurrence, concurrency - agreement of results or opinionsaccordance, accord, conformity - concurrence of opinion; "we are in accord with your proposal"connivance, collusion - agreement on a secret plotassenting, accession - agreeing with or consenting to (often unwillingly); "accession to such demands would set a dangerous precedent"; "assenting to the Congressional determination"subscription - agreement expressed by (or as if expressed by) signing your nameratification, confirmation - making something valid by formally ratifying or confirming it; "the ratification of the treaty"; "confirmation of the appointment"concordance, harmony, concord - agreement of opinionssecondment, endorsement, indorsement, second - a speech seconding a motion; "do I hear a second?"concession - a point conceded or yielded; "they won all the concessions they asked for"disagreement - the speech act of disagreeing or arguing or disputing


noun1. treaty, contract, bond, arrangement, alliance, deal (informal), understanding, settlement, bargain, pact, compact, covenant, entente a new defence agreement2. concurrence, harmony, compliance, union, agreeing, concession, consent, unison, assent, concord, acquiescence The talks ended in acrimony rather than agreement.
concurrence disagreement, division, row, conflict, argument, clash, dispute, falling-out, dissent, quarrel, squabble, strife, wrangle, discord, tiff, altercation, turf war (informal)
3. correspondence, agreeing, accord, similarity, consistency, analogy, accordance, correlation, affinity, conformity, compatibility, congruity, suitableness The results are generally in agreement with these figures.
correspondence difference, diversity, discrepancy, disparity, incompatibility, incongruity, dissimilarity


noun1. The act or process of accepting:acceptance, acquiescence, assent, consent, nod, yes.Informal: OK.2. The act or state of agreeing or conforming:accordance, chime, conformance, conformation, conformity, congruence, congruity, correspondence, harmonization, harmony, keeping.3. Harmonious mutual understanding:accord, concord, concordance, concurrence, consonance, harmony, rapport, tune, unity.Idiom: meeting of the minds.4. An act or state of agreeing between parties regarding a course of action:accord, arrangement, bargain, compact, deal, pact, understanding.5. A legally binding arrangement between parties:bond, compact, contract, convention, covenant, pact.6. A formal, usually written settlement between nations:accord, concord, convention, pact, treaty.


(əˈgriː) past tense, past participle aˈgreed verb1. (often with with) to think or say the same (as). I agreed with them that we should try again; The newspaper report does not agree with what he told us. 與...一致 一致2. to say that one will do or allow something. He agreed to go; He agreed to our request. 同意 同意3. (with with) to be good for (usually one's health). Cheese does not agree with me. (通常指與健康)相宜 适合,适宜,相和 4. to be happy and friendly together. John and his wife don't agree. 投合 投合aˈgreeable adjective pleasant. She is a most agreeable person. 令人愉快的,好相處的 令人愉快的aˈgreeably adverb 欣然地 欣然地aˈgreement noun1. the state of agreeing. We are all in agreement. 一致同意 一致2. a business, political etc arrangement, spoken or written. You have broken our agreement; We have signed an agreement. 口頭協議,協議書 协议,协议书




agreement in principle

An agreement in which the general terms and/or conditions of a deal are accepted without the complete details having been specified or necessarily agreed upon. There was an agreement in principle that the government would cover the cost of building a new school, but so far we haven't seen a clear proposal on how this would be accomplished.See also: agreement, principle

gentleman's agreement

A legally non-binding arrangement that is guaranteed only by a verbal or mutually understood agreement by the parties involved. Though my father left me his entire estate in his will, I made a gentleman's agreement with my brother to share the wealth equally between us.See also: agreement

reach an agreement

To achieve some accord, settlement, or compromise (with someone), especially after a period of debate, argument, negotiation, etc. The state prosecutors say they have reached an agreement with the CEO regarding his suspected involvement in racketeering. The heads of state reached an agreement to implement a new trade deal between the six countries.See also: agreement, reach

reach an accord

To achieve some agreement, settlement, or compromise (with someone), especially after a period of debate, argument, negotiation, etc. The state prosecutors say they have reached an accord with the CEO regarding his suspected involvement in racketeering. The heads of state reached an accord to implement a new trade deal between the six countries.See also: accord, reach

sweetheart agreement

1. An industrial agreement made between an employer and local labor union officials containing terms beneficial to the employer without the knowledge of the employees, typically in exchange for money to the union or its leaders. It was later discovered that the union leader had made a sweetheart agreement with the company that eliminated employees' right to strike in exchange for a hefty yearly bonus for himself. The automotive manufacturer decided to move its factories to a different country, where it established a sweetheart agreement with the local labor union to pay workers substantially less than those previously enjoyed by American employees.2. Any kind of agreement or contract that is mutually beneficial two the two parties directly involved, typically at the expense of a third party that is not privy to the agreement. It turns out the athletic director had in place a sweetheart agreement with the national athletics association, essentially receiving kickbacks every time one of his athletes performed well. The charity has come under fire for what some are calling a sweetheart agreement with a for-profit events organizer that receives nearly 40% of the annual donations the charity receives.See also: agreement, sweetheart

in agreement (with someone or something)

In harmony with someone or something; matching someone or something. Are you two in agreement about having pizza for dinner? The suspect's statement is not in agreement with the information witnesses have given us.See also: agreement, someone

in agreement

(with someone or something) in conformity with someone or something; agreeing with someone or something. We are in total agreement. I am in agreement with your proposal.See also: agreement

reach an accord (with someone)

 and reach an agreement (with someone)to come to an agreement with someone. I hope that we can reach an accord with the union so work can start again. We will try one more time to reach an agreement with you. We reached an agreement and signed a contract.See also: accord, reach

sweetheart agreement

 and sweetheart deala private agreement reached between a public agency or government official and a private company that includes illicit payments or special favors. They found that the mayor was involved in a number of sweetheart agreements. Most of the building contractors in town would be out of business if they didn't have sweetheart deals with the local politicians.See also: agreement, sweetheart

a gentleman's agreement


a gentlemen's agreement

A gentleman's agreement or a gentlemen's agreement is an informal agreement that is not written down but in which people trust one another to do what they have promised. We had no contract; it was done by a gentleman's agreement. I'm hoping we can come to a gentlemen's agreement, Colonel.See also: agreement

a gentleman's agreement

an arrangement or understanding which is based on the trust of both or all parties, rather than being legally binding. 1991 Charles Anderson Grain: Entrepreneurs There had been a ‘gentleman's agreement’ by the Grain Growers not to enter the markets of Saskatchewan Wheat Pool's predecessor. See also: agreement

a ˌgentleman’s aˈgreement

(also a ˌgentlemen’s aˈgreement) an agreement, a contract, etc. in which nothing is written down because both people trust each other not to break it: ‘Why don’t you tell him you don’t want to sell it now?’ ‘I can’t possibly. It was a gentleman’s agreement and I must keep to it.’See also: agreement




(also called concord). (1) The correspondence between the grammatical form of a noun (or the noun’s membership in a specific syntactic class) and the grammatical form of a word, generally an adjective or verb, connected with the noun in a sentence. Agreement in a grammatical category means that a change in a noun’s grammatical sense causes (although only in some cases) a change in the words connected with the noun. In Russian, agreement exists according to case (seryi volk, “gray wolf”-serogo volka, “of the gray wolf”), number (seryi volk-serye volki, “gray wolves”; volk voet, “the wolf howls”-vo/A:¡ voiut, “the wolves howl”), and gender (seryi volk-seraia sobaka, “gray dog” [feminine]; volk vyl, “the wolf hovf\\ed”-sobaka vyla, “the dog howled”).

Grammatical descriptions of languages generally represent agreement as a correspondence between the grammatical meanings (or between such elements as case, number, and gender) of a noun and of the words connected with the noun. However, agreement may be defined in other ways. For example, in standard Estonian grammar, when a noun is in the comitative case the modifying adjective must be in the genitive case.

Agreement is a means of expressing a syntactic bond, which may be direct (seryi volk) or indirect (dom, v kotorom my zhivem, “the house in which we live”; sestra ushla, skazavshis’ bol’noi, “sister left, saying she was ill”). Agreement is well developed in inflected languages and, to a lesser extent, in agglutinative languages. It is absent in amorphous languages.

(2) A direct syntactic bond between the words in a phrase, expressed by means of agreement in the first meaning of the term, generally in combination with work order and intonation. An example is the bond within the word group seryi volk.



1. A meeting of minds. 2. A legally enforceable promise or promises between two or among several persons. 3. On a construction project, the document stating the essential terms of the construction contract which incorporates by reference the other contract documents. 4. The document setting forth the terms of the contract between the architect and owner or between the architect and a consultant. 5. An arrangement indicating the intent of a contract but not necessarily fulfilling all the enforceable provisions of it. Also see agreement form, contract.



Managed care An arrangement between the providers of health services (in the US, this means doctors and health care professionals) and the corporations (HMOs) contracting their services. 
Vox populi A meeting of the minds between two parties.


(ă-grē'mĕnt) The act or result of concurring in a belief, opinion, or plan of action. [O.Fr. agreer, fr. L.L. aggrato, to make onself pleasing]


(ă-grē'mĕnt) The act or result of concurring in a belief, opinion, or plan of action. [O.Fr. agreer, fr. L.L. aggrato, to make onself pleasing]

Patient discussion about agreement

Q. my boy has ADHD , and according to the doctors , in the worst form it can appear .. is all moody and jumpy and hyper-active and i know it is all part of being ADHD child .. but man ... i need some directing and advices how to keep me on track and by that i mean give my child the full support he needs and should have ... it's not easy to chase him and keep him leveled ... and i did till now with great success .. but now he is 5 years old and he is much more active ... How Should i act around him ? what is the right level of freedom i can deliver him ? someone please help me ... i need advices ... A. parenting is a hard job. a complicated one, and one you'll surly do mistakes and lots of them. being a parent to an ADHD child,well...needs a hyper active parent too...
there are ways to deal with it but it needs a plan and and tools to work with. when i looked for such, i found this site that gives number of tools. i used some of them and they were very helpful.
good luck!

Q. According to my friend he may be an autistic. I am worried but please give me some valuable info? I am worried about my baby who has just completed two years and he cannot speak well like other kids of his age. The most unaccepted thing is that he cannot speak a single word well and he cannot mimic to what I say. According to my friend he may be an autistic. I am worried but please give me some valuable info?A. A two year baby unable to repeat the words taught to him is a matter of concern. It is too early to diagnose autism at this age as some children gets speech little late. Have patience and watch out for the symptoms for more than six months and if he remains the same, then consult with the doctor for necessary help and support. You can also take some initiative to talk to him because in some cases the kids have developed speech with continuous trial. If he grabs some words from you then it may be a good sign that he may not be autistic.

Q. What are the bases of Chinese medicine? what substances make chinese medicine so effective according to people's opinion ... A. good question...
because chinese medicine is a popular medicine and practiced in different rural areas of China- there is a lot of diversity between different methods. different feet maps for reflexology, different opinions on acupuncture points and such. but the general idea is the same. and believe it or not - the chinese medicine is actually a trial and error based method that developed over 4,000 years.
that is a lot of time to do trial and error...

More discussions about agreement


Related to Agreement: Partnership agreement


A meeting of minds with the understanding and acceptance of reciprocal legal rights and duties as to particular actions or obligations, which the parties intend to exchange; a mutual assent to do or refrain from doing something; a contract.

The writing or document that records the meeting of the minds of the parties. An oral compact between two parties who join together for a common purpose intending to change their rights and duties.

An agreement is not always synonymous with a contract because it might lack an essential element of a contract, such as consideration.


1) n. any meeting of the minds, even without legal obligation. 2) in law, another name for a contract including all the elements of a legal contract: offer, acceptance, and consideration (payment or performance), based on specific terms. (See: contract)

AGREEMENT, contract. The consent of two or more persons concurring,respecting the transmission of some property, right or benefit, with a viewof contracting an obligation. Bac. Ab. h.t.; Com. Dig. h.t.; Vin. Ab. h.t.;Plowd. 17; 1 Com. Contr. 2; 5 East's R. 16. It will be proper to consider,1, the requisites of an agreement; 2, the kinds of agreements; 3, how theyare annulled.
2.-1. To render an agreement complete six things must concur; theremust be, 1, a person able to contract; 2, a person able to be contractedwith; 3, a thing to be contracted for; 4, a lawful consideration, or quidpro quo; 5, words to express the agreement; 6, the assent of the contractingparties. Plowd. 161; Co. Litt. 35, b.
3.-2. As to their form, agreements are of two kinds; 1, by parol, or,in writing, as contradistinguished from specialties; 2, by specialty, orunder seal. In relation to their performance, agreements are executed orexecutory. An agreement is said to be executed when two or more persons makeover their respective rights in a thing to one another, and thereby changethe property therein, either presently and at once, or at a future time,upon some event that shall give it full effect, without either partytrusting to the other; as where things are bought, paid for and delivered.Executory agreements, in the ordinary acceptation of the term, are suchcontracts as rest on articles, memorandums, parol promises, or undertakings,and the like, to be performed in future, or which are entered intopreparatory to more solemn and formal alienations of property. Powell onCont. Agreements are also conditional and unconditional. They areconditional when some condition must be fulfilled before they can have fulleffect; they are unconditional when there is no condition attached;
4.-3. Agreements are annulled or rendered of no effect, first, by theacts of the parties, as, by payment; release - accord and satisfaction;rescission, which is express or implied; 1 Watts & Serg. 442; defeasance; bynovation: secondly, by the acts of the law, as, confusion; merger; lapse oftime; death, as when a man who has bound himself to teach an apprentice,dies; extinction of the thing which is the subject of the contract, as, whenthe agreement is to deliver a certain horse and before the time of deliveryhe dies. See Discharge of a Contract.
5. The writing or instrument containing an agreement is also called anagreement, and sometimes articles of agreement.(q.v.)
6. It is proper, to remark that there is much difference between anagreement and articles of agreement which are only evidence of it. From themoment that the parties have given their consent, the agreement or contractis formed, and, whether it can be proved or not, it has not less the qualityto bind both contracting parties. A want of proof does not make it null,because that proof may be supplied aliunde, and the moment it is obtained,the contract may be enforced.
7. Again, the agreement may be mull, as when it was obtained by fraud,duress, and the like; and the articles of agreement may be good, as far asthe form is concerned. Vide Contract. Deed; Guaranty; Parties to Contracts.



Related to agreement: Partnership agreement
  • noun

Synonyms for agreement

noun treaty


  • treaty
  • contract
  • bond
  • arrangement
  • alliance
  • deal
  • understanding
  • settlement
  • bargain
  • pact
  • compact
  • covenant
  • entente

noun concurrence


  • concurrence
  • harmony
  • compliance
  • union
  • agreeing
  • concession
  • consent
  • unison
  • assent
  • concord
  • acquiescence


  • disagreement
  • division
  • row
  • conflict
  • argument
  • clash
  • dispute
  • falling-out
  • dissent
  • quarrel
  • squabble
  • strife
  • wrangle
  • discord
  • tiff
  • altercation
  • turf war

noun correspondence


  • correspondence
  • agreeing
  • accord
  • similarity
  • consistency
  • analogy
  • accordance
  • correlation
  • affinity
  • conformity
  • compatibility
  • congruity
  • suitableness


  • difference
  • diversity
  • discrepancy
  • disparity
  • incompatibility
  • incongruity
  • dissimilarity

Synonyms for agreement

noun the act or process of accepting


  • acceptance
  • acquiescence
  • assent
  • consent
  • nod
  • yes
  • OK

noun the act or state of agreeing or conforming


  • accordance
  • chime
  • conformance
  • conformation
  • conformity
  • congruence
  • congruity
  • correspondence
  • harmonization
  • harmony
  • keeping

noun harmonious mutual understanding


  • accord
  • concord
  • concordance
  • concurrence
  • consonance
  • harmony
  • rapport
  • tune
  • unity

noun an act or state of agreeing between parties regarding a course of action


  • accord
  • arrangement
  • bargain
  • compact
  • deal
  • pact
  • understanding

noun a legally binding arrangement between parties


  • bond
  • compact
  • contract
  • convention
  • covenant
  • pact

noun a formal, usually written settlement between nations


  • accord
  • concord
  • convention
  • pact
  • treaty

Synonyms for agreement

noun the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises


  • understanding

Related Words

  • conspiracy
  • confederacy
  • fair-trade agreement
  • covenant
  • unilateral contract
  • sales agreement
  • sale
  • statement
  • term
  • condition
  • bargain
  • deal
  • working agreement
  • gentlemen's agreement
  • written agreement
  • submission
  • entente
  • entente cordiale
  • oral contract
  • reservation
  • settlement
  • severance agreement
  • suicide pact

noun compatibility of observations


  • correspondence

Related Words

  • compatibility
  • conformance
  • conformity

noun harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters


  • accord

Related Words

  • concordance
  • concord
  • harmony
  • community of interests
  • community
  • meeting of minds
  • concurrence
  • consensus
  • sense of the meeting
  • unanimity
  • unison
  • social contract


  • disagreement
  • dissonance
  • dissension

noun the thing arranged or agreed to


  • arrangement

Related Words

  • planning
  • preparation
  • provision
  • collusion
  • prearrangement

noun the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations


  • concord

Related Words

  • grammatical relation
  • number agreement
  • person agreement
  • case agreement
  • gender agreement

noun the verbal act of agreeing

Related Words

  • speech act
  • assent
  • acquiescence
  • concurrence
  • concurrency
  • accordance
  • accord
  • conformity
  • connivance
  • collusion
  • assenting
  • accession
  • subscription
  • ratification
  • confirmation
  • concordance
  • harmony
  • concord
  • secondment
  • endorsement
  • indorsement
  • second
  • concession


  • disagreement




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