glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide

glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide

an insulinotropic substance originating in the gastrointestinal tract and released into the circulation following ingestion of a meal containing glucose.

gluc·ose-de·pen·dent in·su·lin·o·tro·pic pol·y·pep·tide

(glū'kōs-dĕ-pen'dĕnt in'sŭ-lin-ō-trō'pik pol'ē-pep'tīd) An insulinotropic substance originating in the gastrointestinal tract and released into the circulation following ingestion of a meal containing glucose.

gluc·ose-de·pen·dent in·su·lin·o·tro·pic pol·y·pep·tide

(glū'kōs-dĕ-pen'dĕnt in'sŭ-lin-ō-trō'pik pol'ē-pep'tīd) Insulinotropic substance originating in gastrointestinal tract and released into the circulation following ingestion of food containing glucose.