Acronym | Definition |
GID➣Gender Identity Disorder |
GID➣Group Identifier |
GID➣Group Identification |
GID➣Glow in the Dark |
GID➣Graphic and Interactive Design |
GID➣Global Identifier |
GID➣Genuine Intel Dealers |
GID➣Group Id |
GID➣Garp Information Declaration |
GID➣Group Identity |
GID➣General Intelligence Department (Jordan) |
GID➣General Improvement District |
GID➣Gender Identity Dysphoria (formerly Gender Identity Disorder) |
GID➣Grazing Incidence Diffraction |
GID➣Groupe Inter-Academique pour le Developpement (French: Inter-Academic Group for Development) |
GID➣Gesellschaft für Information und Dokumentation |
GID➣Gasinnendruck (German: Gas internal pressure) |
GID➣Graphical Input Device |
GID➣Global Image Database |
GID➣Gesundheits Informations Datenbank (German: Health Information Database) |
GID➣Global Infrastructure Design |
GID➣Graphic Identification |
GID➣General Information Document |
GID➣Garden Island Naval Dockyard |
GID➣Gate/Interconnect Delay |
GID➣General Installation Dolly |
GID➣Grand-Parent Identification |
GID➣Guest in Distress (lifeguarding) |