Galin, Boris Abramovich

Galin, Boris Abramovich


(pseudonym of Boris Abramovich Rogalin). Born Aug. 25 (Sept. 9), 1904, in Nikopol’. Soviet Russian author and journalist. Member of the CPSU since 1925.

Galin began publishing sketches in 1925. In the 1930’s he was a special correspondent of Pravda. He participated in the creation of the book People of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant (1933), a work highly praised by M. Gorky. The anthologies he compiled include Transition (1930), Ordeal (1937), God of War (1942), In the Donbas (1946), In a Certain Settlement (1947; State Prize of the USSR, 1948), and In the Name of the Future (1958). The Lenin theme plays a major role in his creative works—for example, in such essay collections as Thus Victorious! (1957) and Builder of the New World (1960). As a publicist, Galin is characterized by an interest in what is new in the life and consciousness of people. During the Great Patriotic War (1941-45) he was military correspondent of Krasnaia Zvezda. He was awarded two orders and also medals.


Chudesnaia sila. Moscow, 1954.
Gody nashei zhizni. Moscow, 1956.
Deistvuiushchaia armiia: Ocherki voennogo korrespondenta. (Preface by B. Polevoi.) Moscow, 1958.
Vsegda za mechtoi: Gody tridtsatye—shestidesiatye. Moscow, 1964.
V grozu i buriu. Moscow, 1967.
Azart iunosti. Moscow, 1970.
Vremia dalekoe—tovarishchi blizkie: Literaturnye portrety. Moscow, 1970.


Russkie sovetskie pisateli-prozaiki. Biobibliograficheskii ukazatel’, vol. 1. Leningrad, 1959.