Gidrologicheskii Ezhegodnik
Gidrologicheskii Ezhegodnik
(Hydrologic Yearbook), a publication of the Hydrometeorological Service of the USSR. It contains such information as water level and discharge, suspended-load discharge, quantity of suspended load and bed material, water temperature and ice thickness, and chemical analysis of water. The data is supplied on the hydrologic regime of rivers, reservoirs, and lakes by hydrologic stations and posts. Reference information about the posts and stations is also included. Gidrologicheskii ezhegodnik has been published since 1936; before then (1872-1935) the results of hydrologic observations were published in Svedeniia ob urovniakh vody (Information About Water Levels) and Materialy po rezhimu rek SSSR (Materials on the Regime of Rivers of the USSR). Gidrologicheskii ezhegodnik is the successor to those publications.