full monty

full monty

everything; the whole lot

full mon·ty

F5361850 (mŏn′tē)n. Slang The full range of possibilities; everything. Used with the.
[From British slang, perhaps after Sir Montague Burton (1885-1952), British tailor whose customers purchasing a two-piece suit could add a waistcoat and an extra pair of trousers for a small charge, an option informally called the full Monty.]

full monty

(ˈmɒntɪ) nthe full monty informal something in its entirety[of unknown origin]

full′ mon′ty

(ˈmɒn ti)

n. Chiefly Brit. Slang. the, the whole thing; everything that can or should be included. [1985–90;orig. uncertain; perhaps from Montague Burton, British tailors, with reference to the purchase of a full (3-piece) suit as being "the full Monty"]