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EncyclopediaSeeGoodpasture's syndromeGoodpasture syndrome
Good·pas·ture syn·drome (gud'pas-tyŭr), [MIM*233450] glomerulonephritis of the anti-basement membrane type associated with or preceded by hemoptysis; the nephritis usually progresses rapidly to produce death from renal failure, and the lungs at autopsy show extensive hemosiderosis or recent hemorrhage.Goodpasture syndrome Goodpasture's disease, lung purpura-glomerulonephritis, pneumorenal syndrome An idiopathic autoimmune disorder most common in young white ♂, characterized by alveolar hemorrhage, lung infiltrates, renal failure due to rapidly-progressive glomerulonephritis Clinical Hemoptysis, SOB, URIs, fatigue, chest pain, iron-deficiency anemia, acute renal failure Prognosis Poor; average survival, 15 wks Treatment Plasmapheresis, immunotherapyGood·pas·ture syn·drome (gud'pas-chŭr sin'drōm) Glomerulonephritis of the anti-basement membrane type associated with or preceded by hemoptysis; the nephritis usually progresses rapidly to produce death from renal failure, and the lungs at autopsy show extensive hemosiderosis or recent hemorrhage. Goodpasture, Ernest W., U.S. pathologist, 1886-1960. Goodpasture diseaseGoodpasture epitopeGoodpasture reactivityGoodpasture stain - a stain for gram-negative bacteria, using aniline fuchsin.Goodpasture syndrome - glomerulonephritis that usually progresses rapidly to produce death from renal failure, and the lungs at autopsy show extensive hemosiderosis or recent hemorrhage. |