gallstone ileus

gall·stone il·e·us

obstruction of the small intestine produced by passage of a gallstone from the biliary tract (usually the gallbladder as a result of cholecystitis) into the intestinal tract (usually by means of a fistulous connection between the gallbladder and the small intestine); occurrence and site of obstruction depend on size of the stone, but the usual location is at or near the ileocecal junction.

gallstone ileus

An obstruction of the small bowel, occurring typically but not exclusively in elderly female patients and caused by the trapping of a large gallstone at or near the ileocecal valve. Most gallstones responsible for ileus are greater than 2.5 cm in diameter. See also: ileus

Gallstone ileus

Obstruction of the large intestine caused by a gallstone that has blocked the intestinal opening.Mentioned in: Gallstones