Galperin, Aleksandr
Gal’perin, Aleksandr L’vovich
Born June 5 (17), 1896, in Baku; died Aug. 12, 1960, in Moscow. Soviet historian; doctor of historical sciences (1947); professor (1958).
Gal’perin graduated from the University of Petrograd in 1922 and the Leningrad Institute of Living Oriental Languages in 1924. He was a senior scholarly worker at the Institute of World Economy and World Politics (1939-40), the Pacific Institute (1942-50), and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (beginning in 1950). His chief works were devoted to the history of Japan and international relations in the Far East.
Anglo-iaponskii soiuz, 1902-1921 gg. [Moscow] 1947.Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia na Dal’nem Vostoke (1840-1949), 2nd ed. Moscow, 1956. (Coauthor.)
Ocherki noveishei istorii Iaponii. Moscow, 1957. (Coauthor.)
Ocherki novoi istorii Iaponii (1640-1917). Moscow, 1958. (Coauthor).
Ocherk sotsial’no-politicheskoi istorii Iaponii v period pozdnego feodalizma. Moscow, 1960.