Golos Soldata

Golos Soldata


(Voice of the Soldier). (1) Illegal newspaper of the Riga Bolsheviks, issued from Dec. 16 (29), 1905, to Mar. 21 (Apr. 3), 1907. Some 28 issues were published. Circulation reached 5,000 copies.

(2) Illegal newspaper issued in Kiev from Mar. 15, 1906, to September of the same year. Organ of the Kiev military organization of the RSDLP. Eight issues were published, each with a circulation of up to 2,000 copies.

(3) Daily newspaper published in Petrograd from May 15 (28), 1917, to Dec. 26, 1917 (Jan. 8, 1918). It was the organ of the Petrograd Soviet of Soldiers’ and Workers’ Deputies and then the organ of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the first convocation of the Soviet of Soldiers’ and Workers’ Deputies. It had a conciliationist tendency. The Menshevik-defensists and the right Socialist Revolutionaries played an active role in it. After Oct. 27 (Nov. 9), 1917, the newspaper was issued under the name Soldatskii Golos and then was renamed more than once. A total of 150 issues were published.