Golubinskii, Fedor Aleksandrovich

Golubinskii, Fedor Aleksandrovich


Born Dec. 22. 1797 (Jan. 2, 1798), in Kostroma: died there Aug. 22 (Sept. 3). 1854. Russian idealist philosopher.

Golubinskii received his master’s degree from the Moscow Divinity School in 1818 and was professor ordinarius at the school from 1842. Criticizing Hegel’s idea of the mutability of the absolute. Golubinskii endeavored to build his own philosophical system, upon which Orthodoxy could be based. The central concept of his philosophy was the idea of eternity—an idea existing only in the mind and attesting to the presence of a creator. Golubinskii considered the philosophy of Plato to be the one closest to the truth.


“O konechnykh prichinakh” (Letter I). In Pribavleniia k izdaniiu Tvorenii sviatykh ottsov, part 5. Moscow, 1847.
Lektsiifilosofii, parts 1–4. Moscow, 1884–86.


Glagolev. S. S. Protoierei Fedor Aleksandrovich Golubinskii. (Ego zhizn’ i geiatel’nost’.) Sergiev Posad, 1898.