Gomiashvili, Aleksandr

Gomiashvili, Aleksandr Konstantinovich


Born July 2 (15), 1911, in the village of Kazbegi. Soviet Georgian poet; member of the CPSU since 1939. Born into a peasant family. Graduated from the University of Tbilisi in 1933. Participated in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–45.

Gomiashvili’s work began to be published in 1929. In 1931 he published a poetry cycle, Songs of Andesite, about the new life of the mountain people. In the verse narrative They Are Calling Germany Again (1933), he portrayed the German progressive powers’ struggle against Hitler under the leadership of the Communist Party. Gomiashvili’s ballads have achieved special eminence. He is the author of the collections Poems (1937), Dar’ial (1940), Ballads (1946), Poems and Ballads (1960), Mother of My Home (1961), Selected Poems (1961), and Poems (1967). He has been awarded two orders, as well as medals.


In Russian translation:
Izbr. stikhi. Tbilisi, 1950.
Stikhotvoreniia i ballady. Moscow, 1958.
Dar’ial’skaia ballada. Moscow, 1962.
Orlinaia pochta. Tbilisi, 1962.