释义 |
DictionarySeeSir Francis GaltonGalton system of classification of fingerprints
Gal·ton sys·tem of clas·si·fi·ca·tion of fin·ger·prints (gahl'tŏn), a system of classification based on the variations in the patterns of the ridges, which are grouped into arches, loops, and whorls (A.L.W. or arch-loop-whorl system). "Arches are formed when the ridges run from one side to the other of the bulb of the digit, without making any backward turn, but no twist; whorls, when there is a turn through at least one complete circle; they are also considered to include all duplex spirals." The abbreviations used in making a record of fingerprints are: a, arch; l, loop; w, whorl; i, loop with an inner (thumb side) slope; o, loop with an outer (little-finger side) slope. The ten digits are registered in four groups as follows, distinguished by capital letters: A, the fore, middle, and ring fingers of the right hand; B, the fore, middle, and ring fingers of the left hand; C, the thumb and little finger of the right hand; D, the thumb and little finger of the left hand. See also: dermatoglyphics. Gal·ton sys·tem of clas·si·fi·ca·tion of fin·ger·prints (gawl'tŏn sis'tĕm klas'i-fi-kā'shŭn fing'gĕr-prints) A classification scheme based on the variations in the patterns of the ridges, which are grouped into arches, loops, and whorls. See also: dermatoglyphicsGalton, Sir Francis, English explorer and anthropologist, 1822-1911. Galton delta - a more or less well-marked triangle in a fingerprint; in dermatoglyphics, the figure at the base of each finger in the palm.Synonym(s): triradiusGalton law of regression - average parents tend to produce average offspring, but children of extreme parents inherit parental peculiarities to a lesser degree than they appear in the parentsSynonym(s): law of regression of meanGalton system of classification of fingerprints - a system of classification based on the variations in the patterns of the ridges, which are grouped into arches, loops, and whorls.Galton whistle - a cylindrical whistle attached to a compressible bulb used to test hearing. |