Galveston Island State Park
Galveston Island State Park
Location:6 miles southwest of the Galveston City seawall on Farm Road 3005.
Facilities:Campsites with water and electricity hookups, group camp, showers, restrooms, boat ramp, day-use group facility, picnic areas, screened shelters, beach, hiking trails, nature trail, interpretive center, park store, amphitheater.
Activities:Camping, fishing, swimming, mountain biking, hiking, birding.
Special Features:In 1998 Tropical Storm Frances destroyed the park's sand dunes, which serve as the only protection the park has for its facilities. A project was implemented to rebuild the dunes through the use of Christmas trees. The great storm of 1900 devastated the island, killing 5,000-10,000 people, and prompted the construction of the seawall that protects the northern half of the island.
Address:14901 FM 3005
Galveston, TX 77554
Size: 2,013 acres.
See other parks in Texas.