Acronym | Definition |
GBP➣United Kingdom Pound Sterling (ISO currency code) |
GBP➣Golden Boy Promotions (boxing; Los Angeles, CA) |
GBP➣Green Bay Packers |
GBP➣Guinea-Bissau Peso (currency) |
GBP➣Great British Pound (currency; UK) |
GBP➣Global Business Plan |
GBP➣Green Business Park |
GBP➣Gastric Bypass |
GBP➣Georgia Board of Pharmacy (Atlanta, GA) |
GBP➣Gain-Bandwidth Product |
GBP➣Gameboy Pocket |
GBP➣Green Business Partnership (various locations) |
GBP➣Good Business Practice(s) |
GBP➣Gewestelijk Bestemmingsplan |
GBP➣Global Best Practice(s) |
GBP➣Global Business Pages (Richmond, VA) |
GBP➣Guardian Building Product (various locations) |
GBP➣Group Buffer Pool |
GBP➣Gameboy Player (Nintendo) |
GBP➣Guanylate Binding Protein |
GBP➣Generalized Belief Propagation |
GBP➣Gameboy Printer (Nintendo) |
GBP➣Gravity Based Penalty |
GBP➣Gun Buyback Program |
GBP➣Global Buffer Pool |
GBP➣General Building Plan |
GBP➣Gross Berth Productivity |
GBP➣Global Bids and Proposals (Dell EMC) |
GBP➣Global Backprojection |