释义 |
Gnathic index
| in a skull, the ratio of the distance from the middle of the nasofrontal suture to the basion (taken equal to 100), to the distance from the basion to the middle of the front edge of the upper jaw; - called also alveolar index. |
See also: Gnathic gnathic index
gnathic index[′nath·ik ′in‚deks] (anthropology) The ratio of the distance from the nasion to the basion to that from the basion to the alveolar point multiplied by 100. gnathic index
gnath·ic in·dexrelation between the basialveolar (basion to alveolar point) and basinasal (basion to nasion) lengths: (basialveolar length × 100)/basinasal length; the result indicates the degree of projection of the maxilla or upper jaw. Synonym(s): alveolar index (1) gnath·ic in·dex (nath'ik in'deks) Relation between the basialveolar (basion to alveolar point) and basinasal (basion to nasion) lengths: (basialveolar length × 100)/basinasal length; the result indicates the degree of projection of the maxilla or upper jaw. gnath·ic in·dex (nath'ik in'deks) Relation between basialveolar and basinasal lengths. Synonym(s): alveolar index (1) . LegalSeeIndexFinancialSeeindex |