Acronym | Definition |
GAM➣GPS (Global Positioning System)-Aided Munition |
GAM➣Global Asset Management (various locations) |
GAM➣Generalized Additive Models |
GAM➣Ground-to-Air Missile |
GAM➣Goat Anti-Mouse (cell biology) |
GAM➣Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (Indonesian: Free Aceh Movement) |
GAM➣Global Acute Malnutrition |
GAM➣Global Alliance Manager |
GAM➣Global Account Management |
GAM➣Global Allocation Map |
GAM➣Geographic Analysis and Monitoring (USGS) |
GAM➣Groupe d'Animation Musicale (French: Animation Music Group) |
GAM➣Gustavo A. Madero (Mexico) |
GAM➣Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo (Spanish: Mutual Support Group; Guatemala) |
GAM➣Great American Market |
GAM➣Global Account Management (Sprint) |
GAM➣Global Array Manager (Netframe) |
GAM➣Groupe d'Action Municipale (French: Municipal Action Group) |
GAM➣Gay Asian Men |
GAM➣Gay Asian Male |
GAM➣Grupo de Ayuda Mutua (Spanish: Mutual Support Group, Guatemala) |
GAM➣Galvanised after Manufacture (materials) |
GAM➣Gambell, Alaska (Airport Code) |
GAM➣Groupe pour l'Avancement de la Microchirurgie (French: Group for Advancement of Microsurgery) |
GAM➣Groupe Archéologique du Mesmontois (French: Archaeological Group of Mesmontois) |
GAM➣Grupo Azucarero Mexico |
GAM➣Groupement d'Artisans pour l'Achat de Matériaux (French: Group of Artisans for the Purchase of Materials) |
GAM➣Garage Auto Mercuri (French automobile dealer) |
GAM➣Gender Analysis Matrix |
GAM➣Great Aya and Miki (Japanese band) |
GAM➣Groupe Archéologique de Mouriès (French: Mouriès Archaeological Group) |
GAM➣Groupement Arras Montreuil (French disability association) |
GAM➣Georgia Anne Muldrow (musician) |
GAM➣Gram Atomic Mass |
GAM➣Games Factory Game (File Extension) |
GAM➣Graphic Access Method |
GAM➣Generalized Admittance Matrix |
GAM➣General Annual Meeting |
GAM➣Gamers Against Morons |
GAM➣Gravity Assist Manoeuvres (orbiting a planet) |
GAM➣Generic Aerodata Model |
GAM➣Goodwill Association of Michigan |
GAM➣Giant Activity Matrix (information technology; business rules used by an application) |
GAM➣General Aeronautical Material |
GAM➣Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum |
GAM➣Graphical Asset Management (Sandl) |
GAM➣Guerre Air Mer (French military specifications) |
GAM➣Glaucoma Awareness Month |
GAM➣German-American Musicians Association (Buffalo, New York) |
GAM➣Geotechnical Asset Management |